Chemo Duck at RiversMeet
We love giving back to our community and we are committed to bringing joy whenever we can. At RiversMeet, we hold a monthly craft workshop dedicated to Chemo Duck UK, a wonderful charity that assists children and families living with childhood cancer. For the past months, we've sewn, knitted and crocheted costumes for children and their ducks.
We have a group of wonderful volunteers who come help us in producing costumes and we're on the lookout for more! On Friday 25th November we'll be hosting our last Chemo Duck session of the year at Rivers Meet where we will make some great superhero costumes for children.We would like to invite anyone who would like to help, either by cutting out, pressing, ironing, sewing or knitting, to join us and raise awareness about this cause. No experience is required and everyone is welcome.
Take a peek below at what we have been doing and if you'd like to help and give back to your community as well, please email us at or ask at the counter about this opportunity.

Here is a gallery of some of the costumes we made. We cannot say how incredible we feel for having had the chance to work with such an inspiring organisation and we cannot wait to make more costumes in 2017.