Christmas Flower Arranging Class
A gallery of festive flower arrangements
Today we had our monthly Flower Arranging class and since we have entered the festive season, Margaret, our tutor, decided to show her tutees how to make a beautiful festive floral arrangement.
The session was brilliant. As soon as you walked in the function room at rivers MEET, you could smell the Christmas flowers, the cinnamon and oranges, the Christmas tree branches and foliage. Festive music was playing in the back while the ladies were chatting away over tea and mince pies. However, without a doubt, everyone was working hard to get their flower arrangement done in time. The atmosphere was simply magical.
Margaret would make a demonstration and then walk around the room to help the ladies perfect their arrangements. The diversity of centrepieces was fantastic and it was lovely to see how the tutees were personalising their own work of art.
At the end of the session, Margaret made a short demonstration of the upcoming project, a gorgeous Christmas table centrepiece that left all of us in awe.
If you'd like to attend future sessions, please check our events page here. The next class will take place on Saturday, 17th December. However, Margaret will host a Festive Floral Afternoon Tea on Saturday, 3rd December, where she'll give a flower demonstration for winter over afternoon tea.
And for the first time at rivers MEET, Margaret will host a Christmas Flower Day where she'll guide you through making your own Christmas floral arrangements. The session is on 20th December, so you'll be able to use your centrepieces during your Christmas festivities.
To book any of these or for more details, please contact Margaret by email at
We'll leave you now with some beautiful photos that will serve you as inspiration.